• Spotlight: Lifeium hosts the Rt Hon the Lord Mayor of the City of London Corporation on a Virtual Visit to Glasgow

    Spotlight: Lifeium hosts the Rt Hon the Lord Mayor of the City of London Corporation on a Virtual Visit to Glasgow

    It has been a busy couple of weeks for Lifeium. From the onset of lockdown at the beginning of the covid-19 pandemic, right through the core of it in May and June, we have come a long way and like many businesses, surviving through tough times is the name of the game.
  • Exciting news from Lifeium

    Exciting news from Lifeium

    The Lifeium team is excited and delighted to have been invited by Dr. Samuel Mwaura from the Hunter center for Entrepreneurship, University of Strathclyde Business School, to collaborate with Business School students on their Financial Projections Consultancy Project.



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